Monday, September 30, 2013

Jay Balase the Ride

Chillin, in 3rd period contemplating on how to introduce myself to the public. I'd like to think I'm energetic in all my activities, but when forced to reflect on who I am becomes an unmotivated task. That generally describes my personality, always moving forward, never looking back unless there's a good view. My life isn't all that beautiful, it's actually quite chaotic and never boring.
Started off slow, during the early years but much anticipated. Then as I got older, everything got faster and more thrilling, so fast that I couldn't see anything else except hindsight which cause multiple mistakes, some more severe than others. I learn and adapt quickly, when presented with a new environment or challenge I become the best as I can be and overcome the situation with ease. 
Determined to be successful causes me to work alone and sometimes leads to drastic risk. Intrigued by new obstacles perseveres throughout the storm and endures to the end.