Tuesday, December 10, 2013

American Nightmare

 Coming into the movie halfway already gave me a bias opinion about if I was going to enjoy it or not. But then seeing the foreign society fighting throught the struggle of poverty and drought, this interested me because I wanted to see where they lived, eat, bathed and worked. 

I related to the passion Tsotsi had for the baby in striving for a better future or in a sence, some hope. When Tsotsi tries to make amends with his family and it becomes an uncomfortable scene but he gains his brothers respect back. This is how I feel about my broken ties with my family and how even when I feel I have a valid point, my family doesn't seem to see things in my perspective.

With the economics around in the African region, I would feel that my government would support its citizens with the resources they need to live. Although this wasn't the case in Tsotsi life and he had to commit illegal actions in order to support himself financially, in having done this he stumbles upon an infant and draws close to the child when he feels a sence of hope. 

Hope that one day the economics of their country and unstable living conditions will improve in the future, then children of later generations may have a happier experience on earth. I enjoyed the movie regardless of seeing only the second half, it touched a sensitive side of my heart that made me relate to the past struggles I've endured.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cool Hand Luke

This is definitely a film I will always remember, it exceeded my expectations monumentally.
At the beginning of the movie, I thought that the movie was going to be a drag, just about a confused lazy drunk in prison complaining about his situation. But then the movie got started and showed Luke's defiant attitude, not willing to give in to being insitutionalized. A personality that is very admirable, then when his life was cornered he still never gave in and surrendered to the odds.
All these years after the release of "Cool Hand Luke" in 1967, all you have to do is say, "What we have here is--failure to communicate." Everyone knows the line, and everyone can identify...- Roger Ebert

Coming of Age

A coming of age film, from my previous understating was about how a prodigy or a younger character was expected or demanded to do more. But with these films that I have watched recently show much more than that.
The character has to desire more out of life, whether to become stronger or make a life changing decision , the character has to take action. I've been through the coming of age situation, in which things depended on me growing up and taking action and also having to make a decision that impacted my life forever. I don't wish to see American Graffiti 2 because it will ruin the mystery of what could happen next, for some viewers they desire to find out what happens next but personally I enjoy wondering.
What I've learned from the coming of age process is that it's not an easy time. There will be obstacles that will test you and force you grow up and become stronger and more independent. It's not a phase you just live through, it's a situation you have to overcome.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Jay Balase the Ride

Chillin, in 3rd period contemplating on how to introduce myself to the public. I'd like to think I'm energetic in all my activities, but when forced to reflect on who I am becomes an unmotivated task. That generally describes my personality, always moving forward, never looking back unless there's a good view. My life isn't all that beautiful, it's actually quite chaotic and never boring.
Started off slow, during the early years but much anticipated. Then as I got older, everything got faster and more thrilling, so fast that I couldn't see anything else except hindsight which cause multiple mistakes, some more severe than others. I learn and adapt quickly, when presented with a new environment or challenge I become the best as I can be and overcome the situation with ease. 
Determined to be successful causes me to work alone and sometimes leads to drastic risk. Intrigued by new obstacles perseveres throughout the storm and endures to the end.